The Greening of Australia with the help of our eCards

I was thrilled to see that we have been included in the list of sites for e-cards on a very eco website:

We all know that paper cards are still very much in vogue and many people still love to receive a card in the mail, but the gang at are trying to help people see the brilliance in e-cards, both environmentally and also artistically.

You can read all about us here in this article!

How much electricity does recycling a Christmas sleeve save?

“According to the Woodland Trust, recycling just one Christmas card saves enough electricity to allow five people to watch the [UK] Queen’s Christmas day message.” in …Turn old cards into gift tags. “Last year more than 93 million cards were collected by the Woodland Trust – enough to enable the charity to plant 22,000 trees – or a forest the size of 44 football pitches.”

That is a lot of tree cut down for the cards, not to mention all other related activities (turning trees into paper cards, delivering cards to stores, buying the cards, mailing the cards, etc.). The best way to save the environment is to reduce consumption.

Do your part to save the environment

Do your part to save the environment. Send ecards whenever you can. Here is why…

Businesses urged to save environment with Christmas e-cards
“With a staggering 744 million Christmas cards delivered by the UK Royal Mail last year, Envirowise is calling on UK businesses to help cut the national Christmas card `mountain’ by sending their seasons greetings electronically. Recent statistics show that one billion Christmas cards, weighing 20,000 tonnes, will end up as waste this Christmas.”