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Tips & video tutorial
In three easy steps you can design the final look of your card. You will need to upload your logo,
place and resize it and design your text. Detailed instructions for each step can be found below.
Or watch our tutorial video to quickly learn how to use our new design interface.
How it works
We will use this design to add your logo and text to the animated card after your place your order.
We will send it to you for final approval. You will not be able to preview the animated card with
this design, but this gives you an idea how the final frame of the animated card will look with your
text design and logo placement.
Uploading your logo
Please upload a large enough logo with a transparent background in .png format.
Logo placement
To upload your logo, click on the upload button at the top of the design interface.
After uploading your logo, the logo will be displayed in the default position in the design
preview. You can move your logo by selecting it with your mouse and moving it to a new position
while holding down the mouse button.
You can resize the logo to be smaller than the original size by using your mouse to pull on the
boundary corner of the logo. There will be a boundary guide in the preview that will not be
visible in the final card.
Logo visibility
Please make sure the logo is clearly visible against the background color. Generally you will
want to select a card with a contrasting background color to ensure good visibility of your
logo. In the video tutorial you can see examples of good and sub-par logo placement.
You can upload a different version of your logo if the current version does not work on the
background of the card you have chosen. Sometimes the best solution is to ask for expert help
in making your logo stand out in your card of choice. We are happy to help you with this for
a small fee. Please contact us for more information.
Help with png format
Png format is a lossless transparent image format. You can read more about png format on the
internet. If you are not able to convert your logo to a transparent png format we can help you
with this for a small fee. Contact us to find out more
Designing your text
You can design the placement, font, size and color of your text. Each card can accommodate
up to three text areas, that can be added or removed by selecting one of the three TEXT icons
at the top of the design interface. Default text and design is provided at the start of the
design process as some clients prefer to use this as is, or start from there instead of from
You can display or hide text areas by selecting and unselecting the TEXT icons at the top of the
design interface.
To modify the text in a text area, use your mouse to click inside the text area and text editing
options will appear. To edit another text area or your logo, click into those areas.
Saving your design and placing your order
You can save your design at any time during the design process via the SAVE DRAFT button. If
you need to leave and retrieve your design later, you can do so via the draft list in your
If you do not click the SAVE button your design will not be saved unless you click the ORDER
NOW button, which automatically saves the design and takes you through the final steps of
the ordering process.
Once you have finalized the final steps of the ordering process your design will no longer
appear in the draft list. Instead it can be viewed by accessing your
Changes to your draft after this will require additional payment as a re-design if your order is
already in production.